是非お読みください!! https://haccola.jp/2019_02_22_8707/?fbclid=IwAR0vr4eah5xBLH0ONkr7NwUdDfQ_nhVqDGzTBmJrUZkGT9WIgRTg-eeTNe4
Month: February 2019
(article)Tomasu Soy Sauce. The only micro Shoyu brewery in Europe.
great article! https://haccola.jp/en/2019_01_12_1086/
(article)From the frontlines of fermentation: Overseas fieldwork in a natural saké brewery
Here is an article talking about my koji master's brewery that he used to worked. Enjoy! https://www.concordia.ca/cunews/offices/vprgs/sgs/public-scholars-18/2019/02/19/from-the-frontlines-of-fermentation-overseas-fieldwork-in-a-natural-sake-brewery.html?fbclid=IwAR2iYYtpXJvjwDaMyCP5wVHwktMT7vvngC02WuSlQ305t1tvHJzVe4z246g
Answering questions
Hope this post will help some people who make miso by their own. Please don't hesitate to ask me anything! Q: It’s been fermenting for a couple of weeks now and it’s got a layer of mold on it. What should I do?You mentioned that maybe scrape it off?I took photos: Answer: Wow, hahaha, you've… Continue reading Answering questions
Article: Links between gut microbes and depression strengthened
Here is another interesting article 😉 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00483-5?fbclid=IwAR3X_bRqrZVStLAixZMsTWPNJNZ137g6bBRYI94W-X7MQ-AvrlyswP7DPc4
Article:How Gut Bacteria Tell Their Hosts What to Eat
For those of you who doesn't know...!https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-gut-bacteria-tell-their-hosts-what-to-eat/?wt.mc=SA_Twitter-Share&fbclid=IwAR2gmW3RG4KF9LS5AcaLazzm2azYciSqPFb6wrVRMZ8_npLTe36QfyADaRY
Question from participants
I've gotten a question from participants. It is very important that you know that I love to answer the questions!!! Everyone has questions when they start something, and I am always so happy to help them. ****** Hello Shiori, I hope you’re doing well. I attended your miso making workshop last week. It was great!… Continue reading Question from participants