Free Online Easy Doburoku(sake) Workshop
Pre start – April 9, 2020
Main class start – April 6, to April 11, 2020
Link0 Day0 – how to make Probiotic Rice Water
Link1 Day1 (Mon) - preparation1 – Ingredients
Link2 Day2 (Tue)ー preparation2 – What is koji?
Link3 Day3 (Wed) ー Preparation3 – Sterilization
Link4 Day3 (Wed) ー Preparation4 – report me
Link5 Day4 (Thu) ー How to make Doburoku
Link 6 Day5 (Fri)ー Probiotic rice water
Link 7 Day6 (Sat) - How to use Doburoku/sakekasu
Facebook Group Page: KojiFlower濁酒(sake) Workshop(Free!!)
Please find “Guide” from the menu, and read from Unit 1 to down.
In a group page, there are lots of posts and comments that I and participants have made. You may be able to find yourself something important from conversations. Please take a look!
My regular online class is a bit different from what I did at the free online class. After all participants have read the texts in the group page, I provide zoom lecture, and then had the participants make their own. In addition, I will take care of each individual person one by one.
Hopefully this free workshop lets you to find a pathway to know more about Japanese Koji fermentation.
If you’re interested in taking my online class, please let me know.
Any other questions, opinion, and concern etc… please contact me at
April 28, 2020
Shiori Kajiwara